What would give my life greater meaning? What is meaningful to me? How successful can I be Being an Elder? Great Questions.
This is the time we can choose to live a life that is driven from within. It’s the inner you. Not what others say you are but what you want to be. What goes into becoming “You”? You can use various methods like reflection, thoughts, awareness, evaluation, and meditation to determine who you are and what you want to do.
Passion is more than an interest. It drives us to do what we do and has throughout our lifetime.
Author, Po Bronson gave us great insight when he wrote:
“(Are you) mistaking intensity for passion? It’s a common mistake. Intensity is external; passion invokes something inside you. It’s a call-and-response with you soul. It’s not just adrenaline.”
Here is another definition of passion that gives clarity to what it looks like from The Urban Dictionary.
“Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required. It is more than enthusiasm or excitement. Passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, body and soul into something as is possible.”
My book, Being an Elder, presents greater depth to the subject of Passion. See page 26 for a Reflection Question exercise that begins the process of identifying one’s passion. By signing up for the newsletter, you will also receive a PDF e-book of all the activities including this exercise.
We will be successful as an Elder when we live from Passion.